Gumuk Pasir, Candi Ratu Boko

Hello, let's continue our journey!
Next day, we went to Candi Ratu Boko.
Ratu Boko is an archaeological site known to modern Javanese as Kraton Ratu Boko or Ratu Boko's Palace. Ratu Boko is located on a plateau, about three kilometres south of Lara Jonggrang Prambanan temple complex in Yogyakarta Indonesia. The original name of this site is still unclear, however the local inhabitants named this site after King Boko, the legendary king mentioned in Loro Jonggrang folklore. In Javanese, Ratu Boko means "Stork King".

After that our next destination is Gumuk Pasir.
 Gumuk Pasir is a large sand dune that resembles a hill due to the movement of the wind.
Sand dunes in Parangtritis is a rare natural phenomenon and the only one in Southeast Asia. Sand dunes form of hills or mounds of sand like a desert located in the Middle East. These sands are the result of volcanic activity of Mount Merapi and Merbabu carried by currents and Kali Opak Progo. In the beginning, the community does not see something unique from this place.


♥ Normandia ♥

Traveler | Explorer | Wanderer | Photography and Art Enthusiast

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