Little Wings Coffee & Library

Little Wings Cafe & Books Library
Address: JL. Cigadung Raya Barat No. 2
 Cigadung, Bandung, Jawa Barat

Want to hang out at the cafe but feel like home, let's stop by the Little Wings Cafe. 
Little Wings Cafe is an antimainstream cafe. The concept that was spelled out fairly vintage and decorated with a girly impression. Little Wings Cafe is a café that stands on a three-story building. Each floor has a unique concept.
Starting from the first floor of the girly concept. Styled so beautifully with several wooden chairs, bookshelves, sofas, and big teddy bear dolls.

Well, if on the second floor carries the concept of vintage. The chairs on the second floor are arranged with various concepts. There are like the kitchen, work space, and given vintage decorations. And the third floor concept is more like a room. That way, visitors will feel at home. There is a single bed placed in the corner of the room. It was deliberately designed to look like a bedroom. Next to the bed is a long table that is fun to gather to chat with friends while sitting lesehan. This section became a favorite spot visitors when stopped by Little Wings Caffe. On the 3rd floor is also available meeting room. Long tables and chairs and screens are prepared to support meeting needs. You will feel a different atmosphere when meeting at the Litlle Wings Cafe. The feel of the house feels very thick and makes the meeting was far from the boring word. Favorite spot is not just inside, but also outside. Outside the building there is a joglo house which is highlighted from the garden terrace and the cool creepers.

In addition to a good place for photographs, the menu offered is also interesting. So, what is the menu at the Little Wings Cafe?

Well that's it, some menu from Little Wings Cafe with a price list. The price is quite affordable, no wonder many students are interested to stop by this cafe. Not only to taste the menu, but also exist photographs in every spot at the Little Wings Cafe.

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