Plaza Indonesia Fashion Week 2012 - (X) S.M.L

by - 10:32 PM

Hello readers! Long time no see you.. :')
Now, I wanna tell you about my experience when I saw the fashion runway at Plaza Indonesia on Thursday, 22 March 2012.
The event was held in commemoration of the birthday of Plaza Indonesia for 22 years. Actually, Mango and (X). S. M. L took part in fashion shows Plaza Indonesia Fashion Week Spring Summer 2012, but because of I just got the invitation for (X). S. M. L, so I didn't see Mango :')

Relaxed and edgy dominate the collection (X) S.M.L, ready to wear line of designer Biyan Wanaatmadja. Oversized top with detail often displayed asymmetrical cutting. Interestingly, the superiors are shown to have more than one style of life. So use it in other ways can give different looks.

(X) S.M.L is Jakarta-based fashion label. It was created by Biyan Wanaatmadja, or simply known as Biyan; Indonesian top designer. Actually, Biyan has already had his own label named BIYAN, but then he created (X) S.M.L to reach wider market.

Ok, that's all I've reported.
See ya for another fashion show..!

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