Prambanan Temple
This time I would say thank you to my office for giving me a time for enjoying this beautiful temple while I were on my business trip haha!
Prambanan Temple
Address: Kota Sleman, Prambanan, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Open hours: 07.30 AM - 17.30 PM
As the largest Hindu temple in Southeast Asia, the beautiful and
graceful temple of Prambanan is a magnificent spectacle and an icon of
Indonesia’s cultural heritage. Located not far from the Buddhist Borobudur temple, the proximity of the
two temples tells us that on Java, Buddhism and Hinduism lived
peacefully next to one another.
The temples at Prambanan were built in the 9th century. The biggest
temple is dedicated to Shiva – the destroyer, and the two smaller ones
which sit on its right and left are dedicated to Brahma -¬ the creator
and Wisnhu – the sustainer. The tallest temple of Prambanan is a
staggering 47 meters high. Its peak visible from far away and rises high
above the ruins of the other temples.
While you are here you will want to snap as many photos as you can. The
ticket you purchase to enter Prambanan is valid for a whole day meaning
you can exit and re-enter the sites as many times as you wish. This is
the same for tickets purchased for Borobudur temple. For photographers
this means you can take pictures of the site at different times of the
See you there! Voila!
Drop your question here. Thank you! 😊