by - 7:00 AM

I still can't believe the journey that I went through. At first I was told to go to Australia but suddenly it changed to Europe :").  Everything was so sudden. Starting from making a visa to packing luggage. All prepared in just one week. On this trip I didn't do any preparation at all. Usually I always make a detailed itinerary and learn about the country I'm going to, from interesting places, delicious food to the transportation system. Until in the end, there is no time left hahaha..and I just left it to Google, and fortunately everything went smoothly.

I was confused, which country would I land in? One thing is certain, Germany and the Netherlands are countries that I must visit out of necessity. I decided to go through several countries first before and after I went to Germany and the Netherlands.  Finally I chose Rome, Italy, where I landed and returned via Paris, France. 

I used Emirates airlines to Rome with a transit in Dubai for around 3 hours. then continue the journey  for about 6 hours. My total trip was probably around 20 hours if I counted my departure from Bandung. This is my first time using Emirates. 

In general, their service and the facilities provided are very satisfying. Of course, their on-time schedule is also an added value.

So, welcome to Rome!
Want to know my journey? Don't forget to keep reading my blog..!
Thank youuu!

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