Bukit Tinggi

Bukit Tinggi
Bukittinggi City is not quite different than others. One thing, it resides in the formation of Barisan Hill and surrounded by two volcanoes called Marapi and Singgalang.

It even has an iconic landmark called Jam Gadang (Gadang Grand Clock), which also becomes one of the best tourist attractions of the city.
It is located in Benteng Pasar Atas and has been attracting lots of tourists as the time goes by.  It has the height of 26 meters and it resides in an area of 13 x 4 meters. The structure consists of several levels, and the top level becomes the home of the pendulum. The prime function of Gadang Grand Clock is indeed as a public timepiece. Not to mention these clocks were imported from Rotterdam. These even have a mechanical system that is similar to that of London’s Big Ben!

How to Get There:
Those who come from Padang City should spend a trip for about 2 hours and 30 minutes to get to Bukit Tinggi City in Indonesia. It is because the distance is 95.7 km. The good thing is that the city is quite accessible regardless of where tourists come from. As for the faster route, it is Lintas Barat Sumatera Street.

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