Padang Food Galore

Most Padang restaurants will serve a lot of dishes straight away on your table, especially if you come with a group of three people or more.
From rendang to dendeng, Padang food is loved by many, and indeed is one of Indonesia's most popular local cuisines.
Here foods that I ate when in Padang.

Teh Talua
Talua tea or egg tea is a sweet drink typical of West Sumatra that can be found in lapau, traditional Minangkabau stalls to Padang restaurants. This drink is in the form of tea plus sugar and beaten eggs and a little lime juice. The eggs used are generally free-range chicken eggs. Talua tea is usually consumed as a work stamina enhancer.

Soto Padang
Soto padang is a dish of beef broth with sliced ​​beef that has been dry-fried, vermicelli, potato cakes added and served hot.

Ketan Goreng Pisang (Pulut)
Means Fried Banana that eta with katan

Sate Padang
Sate padang is the designation for three types of satay variants in West Sumatra, namely Sate Padang, Sate Padang Panjang and Sate Pariaman. Sate padang uses beef, tongue, seeds or innards (heart, intestines, and eggs) seasoned with thick peanut sauce added with lots of chilies so it tastes spicy.

Lontong Pical
Lontong Pical is a food originating from West Sumatra Province. Lontong is one of the most popular breakfast dishes in the community. Pical lontong is of course different from lontong gulai, because the ingredients of the sauce are peanuts.

Itiak Lado Mudo
Itiak Lado Mudo is a dish made from duck meat and special spices mixed with ground lado mudo (curly green chilies).

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