by - 2:00 AM

 The basilica is considered one of the largest and most important churches in the world, and is one of the symbols of the power and glory of the Catholic Church. Before the current St. Peter's Basilica stood, there was an old church known as Old St. Peter's Basilica. The church was built in the 4th century by Emperor Constantine, but over time, the building fell into disrepair and lacked adequate space to serve the growing congregation. Therefore, Pope Julius II decided to build a larger and more magnificent church to replace the old church.

Construction of the new St. Peter's Basilica began in 1506 and involved many of the famous architects of the time, including Donato Bramante, Michelangelo, and Gian Lorenzo Bernini. This church has a very beautiful and complex design, including the large dome which is one of the characteristics of Roman architecture.

However, the process of building the new St. Peter's Basilica did not go smoothly. There were many technical and financial problems that caused the project to stall several times over the years. In addition, the enormous construction costs caused the Pope and the Catholic Church to spend a lot of money on this project, even to the point where it threatened the Church's own finances.

Despite experiencing many obstacles, construction of St. Peter's Basilica was finally completed in 1626. This church has become very important for the Catholic Church, and becomes a pilgrimage destination for millions of people from all over the world every year.

In addition to these four relics of the early church, the basilica and the grottos below hold the bodies or relics of numerous saints and popes. About 90 popes are buried in the papal tombs.

Inside St. Peter's Basilica is a multitude of intricate structures and artworks that add to its overall magnificence. Other than its main highlights like the Dome, St. Peter's Tomb, and the Baldacchino, the basilica holds so much more for the beholder including chapels, altars, monuments, tombs, and more.

Today, St. Peter's Basilica remains one of the largest and most important buildings in the world, and a symbol of the power and glory of the Catholic Church. The church also has many outstanding works of art and architecture, including Michelangelo's Pietà statue and Bernini's baldakijn altar.

The construction of the new St. Peter's Basilica on April 18, 1506 was a historic moment in church and architectural history, and its existence remains an inspiration to people around the world.

How to get there:
Take the red line of the metro from Roma Termini. Alight at the Ottaviano-S. Pietro station. From here, a quick 10-minute walk will take you to St. Peter's Basilica. The Cipro Station, on the same line, is also located in close proximity to the basilica.

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